Hindenburg 80th Anniversary is a Blast from the Past

(Lakehurst, NJ — May 6, 2017) – Ceremonies today marked the 80th anniversary of the destruction of the German dirigible Hindenburg. And, like everything else in 2017, the anniversary took on political overtones, making it a hot time for many. On May 6, 1937, the 804-foot-long Hindenburg, owned and operated by Nazi Germany and en…

Electoral College Certifies First Illegitimate POTUS in American History

(Washington, DC — December 20, 2016) – The Electoral College yesterday failed to perform its Constitutional duty and instead certified Donald Trump (R-NY) as the winner of the 2016 presidential election. Grade for the 2016 Electoral College? FAIL! “The Electoral College has proven that every vote does not count,” said a legal expert from the…