ISIS Turns Up the Heat

(Amman, Jordan — February 3, 2015) – Everyone knows that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) (also known as “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)” and “Islamic State (IS)” and “Daesh” and “Al-Qaeda in Iraq”) is an especially cruel and hateful Islamic Fundamentalist group. Today, they went overboard – even for…

The Politics of Ebola

(Washington, DC) – When FLATLINEgov first reported on the African Ebola outbreak on August 6, there had been 1,700 cases reported, 900 of whom died. America’s public health officials assured average, ordinary, everyday Americans that they had nothing to fear from Ebola. Two months later, average, ordinary, everyday Americans can see just how wrong the…

Ebola, American Style

(Atlanta, GA) – The latest outbreak of the Ebola virus is showing no signs of slowing down, and as the numbers of the dead and infected continue to climb, so do the number of countries with citizens showing symptoms of the disease. The current outbreak began in Guinea in March. More than 1,700 cases of…

Anti-Gay Legislation Signed by Uganda, Nigeria; Arizona Could Be Next

(Kampala, Uganda) – Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni today signed sweeping anti-gay legislation into law. His signing of the law was greeted by both applause and sighs of relief from Ugandan officials. Under the new law, it is illegal not to report homosexual acts – or homosexuals – to authorities, ensuring that gays will have to…