Hindenburg 80th Anniversary is a Blast from the Past

(Lakehurst, NJ — May 6, 2017) – Ceremonies today marked the 80th anniversary of the destruction of the German dirigible Hindenburg. And, like everything else in 2017, the anniversary took on political overtones, making it a hot time for many. On May 6, 1937, the 804-foot-long Hindenburg, owned and operated by Nazi Germany and en…

Squirrelhead Blows Up Syria

(Washington, DC — April 7, 2017) – Facing a horrific attack by the Syrian government on its own citizens using banned chemical weapons, Donald Trump (R-NY) yesterday sent 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles into the war-torn country, deepening America’s involvement in Syria’s six-year-old civil war while practicing a level of hyperhypocrisy not previously seen in human…

To Boldly Go Where No Narcissist Has Gone Before

(Washington, DC — February 1, 2017) – Most of the world today marked the 14th anniversary of the destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia with somber reflection. And then you have a narcissist’s point-of-view. Donald Trump (R-NY) offered specially-prepared remarks on the anniversary, expanded to include the recent anniversaries of other space tragedies. January 28…

Obama Attacks Mars

(Washington, DC — October 12, 2016) – President Obama (D-IL) vowed yesterday that America would land a man on Mars by the 2030s, making the effort a joint venture between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and private industry. Obama’s critics immediately slammed the idea, saying that they were completely against the goal, though…

Chernobyl 30th Anniversary a Cause for Celebration

(Kiev, Ukraine — April 26, 2016) – The world paused today and celebrated the 30th anniversary of the worst commercial nuclear disaster in history. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located here in Kiev, exploded on April 26, 1986, irradiating much of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Europe. As Ukraine was part of the secretive Soviet Union…

Russian Officials in a Lather Over Ukraine Sanctions

(Moscow, Russia — August 27, 2015) – Facing sanctions stretching on for over a year, Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking steps to fight back against the West. And he isn’t afraid to get his fellow Russians dirty in the process. Claiming that Western cleaning products “contain toxic ingredients” and “do not conform to Russian…

For Some, Amtrak and America on the Wrong Track

(Philadelphia, PA — May 13, 2015) – A “horrific scene” greeted investigators and emergency personnel today as they combed through the wreckage of last night’s Amtrak derailment. Over 200 passengers and crew were injured, and at least seven died as the train – running from Washington, DC to New York – derailed around 9:30pm last…

Brian Williams Under Fire for Iraq Attack Story

(New York, NY — February 4, 2015) – Brian Williams of NBC News has officially joined the litany of journalists and politicians that lied before him. Sadly, it took 12 years to bring the issue to light. Williams, anchor for the NBC Evening News since 2004, admitted yesterday that his spectacular story from the American…

ISIS Turns Up the Heat

(Amman, Jordan — February 3, 2015) – Everyone knows that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) (also known as “Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)” and “Islamic State (IS)” and “Daesh” and “Al-Qaeda in Iraq”) is an especially cruel and hateful Islamic Fundamentalist group. Today, they went overboard – even for…

Winter Storm Juno a No-Snow for Many

(Washington, DC — January 28, 2015) – As the Northeastern United States endured the wrath of Winter Storm Juno, many marveled at the intensely accurate and intricate forecast provided both by the National Weather Service (NWS) and local weathermen – and how they could be so far off the mark. In fact, they’re all batting…